dearest readers...and RED VELVET fans...
hari ni kita nk citer pasal order for this week..before that..i would like to thanks
to all my customer coz sudi order RV Cupcakes from me yg xberapa nk pandai
lg men' decorate' kan my cupcakes ni..huhu
for all readers and followers information..
NoOrNameE's WoRLd
person who can make the beautiful cakes and cupcakes like's others ..but i'm
in this world..and i wish ..i will going to be a
one day....insyaAllah..please pray for me ya ;)
okay..going back to my story...
actually this week i got order from my customer..this week customer request cupcakes for present's and bfday...hurmm..memandangkan kita ni BEGINNER..
just cam ni jer la yg mampu kita buat..huhu..silalah lihat gmbr di bawah ni yer...
selamat menjamu mata ;P
this picture it's the first writing atas cupcake...huhu...sgt tidak puas hati...
sbb rasa mcm pelik jer tulisan tu..pastu susunan nyer
tak berapa nak best ..huhuhu...this cupcake suppose tulis mcm ni
disebabkan customer nk 12 pcs jer...kita pn cm dah blur jer time nk wat hand writing tu...huhu...
so jd la mcm je gmbr yg ada dan yg sempat di ambil...huhu
maaf yer Kak Farhah...sbb xdpt wat mcm yg akk nk tu..huhu..kita frust skit bila tgk hasilnya..
huwaaa~~nanes jap ( ; __ ; )
this Red Velvet Cupcake use 100% Cream Cheese Frosting for topping but...
hand writing i'm use ...ermm..x ingat la plak guna ape..sbb my little sis yg wat kan..hehehe v(^_^)
pic snap by henpon murah |
okay... di sebabkan kekecewaan dlm handwriting yg pertama..kita wat plak handwriting
yg ke dua..pening jugak nk cr idea cmne nk wat decoration dkt cupcake ni..
mana tak nyer...idea nk buat tu blm dtg mencurah2 lg...heheheh..almaklumlah..
BEGINNER mmg cmtu kan...hehehe.. :P
so..mcm ni jer la rupanya handwriting yg dpt kita buat and outline jer mampu buat setakat ni
i wish customer yg bernama Erry Pinky Roxy puas hati dgn hasil kerja kita...walaupun simple mcm ni
this Red Velvet Cupcakes i'm using 60% Buttercream Frosting for topping Red , Pink , hand writing and outline and 40% use Cream Cheese for topping and filling inside the cupcake
kali ni kita bagi kelainan skit pada order utk minggu ni...
disebabkan topping 60% used Buttercream Frosting..kita letakkan kat tgh2 RV ni
dgn Cream Cheese Frosting..supaya nilai Red Velvet yg terkenal dgn
tu masih ada walaupun x byk cream cheese frosting di dalamnya...
tp kita xdpt nk tunjukkan la sbb..kita x buat utk time kalo kita buat lg..kita make sure akan amek gmbr dulu... :)
moh kita tatap gmbr2 kat bawah ni
snap from my henpon paling murah |
snap from my Nikon DSLR D3000 |
menyerlahkan warna pink tu..hehehe |
kasi zoom skit....hehehe |
side dr depan |
side dr penjuru |
dan yg ni pic terakhir..kali ni dgn Double Color for Cream Cheese kecewa lg skali
coz kaler x menyerlah sgt..huhu..will try again later...this one replaced order for Kak Fiza last week..
sgt cantik kalo warna merah itu terang lagi...huhuhu |
how it look? nice or not? any comments?
don't forget to leave your comments for me to improved my skill for the next time..